
Responding to Problems - Craft Your Message

Learn about the importance of responding to problems such as bug reports, downtime, or other customer concerns. This article guides you through all aspects of crafting an impactful response to problems.

Critic Update: New Onboarding Experience, Mobile Libraries

Critic has a fresh, new onboarding experience! Try signing up today and see how easy it is to add bug reports to your mobile and web apps.

How to Learn from Failure

Nothing feels worse than watching your product or company fail. Use these tactics to learn from failure, adapt to changing situations, and build a more resilient product.

Should You Offer a Free Plan or a Free Trial?

When creating a pricing structure for your SaaS product, what makes more sense? A free plan or a free trial? This article describes the advantages and disadvantages of each approach so you make the best decision for your product.

8 Data Points to Help Diagnose Software Problems

Are you having difficulty diagnosing software problems with your app? These 8 data points will help you identify and fix bugs reported by your users. Also provided are helpful tips on how to replicate and resolve issues related to symptoms discovered by these data points.

Being Featured on Product Hunt: My Experience and Lessons Learned

Critic was recently featured on Product Hunt! Read about our experience preparing for launch, how we got featured, and what we recommend if you want to be featured on Product Hunt.

Competition Abounds - Don't Worry About It, Learn Something

You likely have more competition for your product than you realize. However, competition is really just market validation. Competitors can teach you as much as your own customers. Learn how to listen to competitors to avoid problems they have already faced.

Critic API Now Provides Access to All Features

The Critic API now provides a way to interact with all of the functionality you see in the Critic web portal. Create your own integrations, query the API for information, or perform a full data export for further analysis of product feedback reported by your customers.

Dogfooding - Build Something You Will Use

Dogfooding is the practice of eating your own dogfood, or using a product that you are creating. Building something you need is a valuable way to validate your product idea.

The Importance of Identifying a Product Goal

Clearly describing your product goal will promote better decision-making by your team. Frame product decisions in terms of the goal. Increase your product's return on investment by focusing only on goal-oriented tasks.

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