
Why to Promote from Within

Promote from within your organization to accelerate training and increase acceptance of your decision. Among numerous other benefits, the promoted employee's peers will be more likely to respect them than an outsider.

The Hidden Toll of Employee Attrition

Beyond the monetary costs of losing and replacing an employee, there are other costs of attrition on your team. Working relationships, confidence in leadership, and employee satisfaction can all be negatively impacted by the termination or resignation of a coworker.

What Is the Cost of Replacing an Employee?

Employees are the most valuable asset in your company, and this math proves that out. Review the monetary cost of replacing an employee, including lost opportunity cost, recruiting costs, and employee onboarding.

How to Identify Good Metrics

Do you need help understanding the difference between good and bad metrics? How can you identify when you have the right metrics in place? Consider this goal-based approach to identifying and measuring the performance of your team.

Make Job Ads Stand Out: Start with Purpose

Most job ads you find online are very bland. They describe who you're working for and what you'll be doing. Rarely do you find one that tells you why you're needed. Start with your organization's purpose to attract more people willing to achieve greatness.

Recruiting is Marketing

New hire recruiting is one of the most important marketing investments you can make. Learn about the importance of selling your company to potential employees.

Positive Feedback is Free Marketing

Learn how to identify positive feedback from customers, app store reviews, and other online posts as free marketing material for your product. Follow these tips to maximize the impact your promoters have on bringing you new users and paying customers.

Encourage Positive App Store Reviews

How do you encourage users to post positive App Store reviews? This guide describes ways to make it easy to review your app and ask for feedback at appropriate times. It also covers disallowed tactics you should avoid when asking for ratings and reviews.

Manage App Store Reviews

App Store ratings and reviews are not the end. Once you receive feedback, you will need to manage App Store reviews. Triage bug reports, prioritize software tasks, and respond to users. Turn past negative reviewers into positive reviewers for future versions.

Prevent Negative App Store Reviews

Negative App Store reviews will discourage new users from installing your app. Learn what steps to take to prevent negative App Store reviews by addressing bugs and user feedback as early as possible with in-app feedback.

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